When I finished this drawing I giggled to myself--the faery's wings seemed more bat than butterfly. I told Clytie about my peculiar problem. My brilliant Sis promptly offered a suggestion--she thought I should call this drawing "Batterfly" Faery. We laughed over the thought--and then I did.
Of course, there are hearts to be found in this drawing.
For more heart art, photography and altogether fabulous heart stuff from around the world, visit Clytie at Random Hearts for Guest Heart Thursday.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
FATuesday Artist Spotlight #27
I created Featured Art Tuesday Artist Spotlight, to showcase inspiring Artists and to provide a forum for all Artists to share their work with one another--this includes every type of medium, photography and crafts, including writing and poetry.
For details on how to join FATuesday Artist Spotlight
see the bottom of the page.
For details on how to join FATuesday Artist Spotlight
see the bottom of the page.
I hope you will join in the fun!
I have known Verna Faye Birch since I was in my teens. Verna was unfailingly kind, generous and sweet to a sometimes unlovable teenager. In those days she did not paint, though she dabbled in Photography from time to time.
On vacation, in the summer of 1996, Verna picked up a pencil and began to draw the children she saw playing. When she returned home she promptly signed up for a watercolor class. Only one year later, Verna quite her job to open a full-time art studio in Sherwood, Oregon. What an inspiring lady she is--she is one of loveliest women I've met on life's pathway.
On vacation, in the summer of 1996, Verna picked up a pencil and began to draw the children she saw playing. When she returned home she promptly signed up for a watercolor class. Only one year later, Verna quite her job to open a full-time art studio in Sherwood, Oregon. What an inspiring lady she is--she is one of loveliest women I've met on life's pathway.
Verna writes, "I love art....I totally enjoy watercolor painting.....especially of children. I also like reading mysteries and spending time with my 10 grandchildren. My heart's desire is to get to know the Lord more and more."
To see more of this very special artist's work, please visit Verna Faye Birch, artist and portraiture of memories.
Here is another of my darling Sister Clytie's wonderful ACEOs. She makes them from just about anything--here, the remnants of a puzzle grace a heart-strewn background. I especially love this one, because I call both of my beautiful younger sisters "Honey." Sissy has a gift--the gift of seeing. Clytie sees treasure and beauty where most people would not. Then she shows us the beauty she finds.
Clytie writes, "Each work... is made from GENUINE graffiti, trash and recycled treasures that I pick up at random." Sissy says she's never felt like an artist until now--and what an amazing artist she is!
Please join Clytie on her "He'Art'ful journey," exploring the artist she never thought she could be. But, of course, I've always known she was an artist, you see. Sisters know stuff like that. (grin) To see more of Sissie's amazing artistic creations, visit Random He'Art'Work.
I was perusing Senerendipity, A Mother's Tale, just loving the artwork Julia Christie had posted, when I noticed a link on her sidebar for a book her daughter Britt had authored under the pen name, 'Clementine Pistachio.' Written for junior readers, The Litch sounds like it would be a good read for people of all ages.
Julia writes a description of her daughter's book, "Susan and Abigail Gray have lived their entire lives knowing about the dilapidated old house down the street from them. Or not knowing. There are strange lights and noises at all hours of the night, and its' single inhabitant is a feared being whom the locals have dubbed "The Litch". The girls throw caution into the wind and enter the house, only to be locked into a frenzy of happenings that they can hardly understand. They must play the game..." I want to read it, don't you?
Happily, you can purchase this book on Amazon at The Litch.
Just yesterday, a precious friend of mine took me to an art gallery in Oregon City, the Three Rivers Art Guild. There is a wonderful used book store there, too. As we began to peruse the marvelous art work we found on the walls, I noticed an unfinished watercolor drying on a table.
I had the blessing and privilege of meeting two wonderful artists. The name of the artist working on the watercolor I so admired, was June Clapp--a sweet lady who took extra time to describe watercolor techniques and even demonstrated a few.
To watch the picture unfold as June moves her paintbrush across the paper is magical. I loved her watercolors so much, I purchased the above card, personally signed by the artist. (grin)
I had the blessing and privilege of meeting two wonderful artists. The name of the artist working on the watercolor I so admired, was June Clapp--a sweet lady who took extra time to describe watercolor techniques and even demonstrated a few.
To watch the picture unfold as June moves her paintbrush across the paper is magical. I loved her watercolors so much, I purchased the above card, personally signed by the artist. (grin)
This lovely artist writes, "I love the complete absorption in right brain thought while painting - I know I have 'two right brains...' In my mind's eye I see her mischievous smile.
To see more of June's wonderful work, visit June Clapp Creations.
I have only recently become acquainted with Kelly Piccetti's pastels. She has the gift of a soft touch with detail, which I find inspiring. Her choice of color captures the eye and pleases the heart.
She writes, "I bought Sennelier oil pastels today... I'm in love. They are so luscious it's like painting with lipstick...or creamy butter (yum). They glide across the paper leaving pure pigment behind and blend easily with a smudge stick" I love the sounds of these words.
To see more of Kelly's spectacular pastels and photography, visit Red and the Peanut.
If you'd like to take part in FATuesday Artist Spotlight:
*Blog the art you'd like to share.
* Don't forget to leave a link to your art here on Linky tools.
* Visit other artists who have left their links.
* Leave a comment when you visit each artist's page.
(We artists need to encourage each other!)
* Add a link to FATuesday in your blog entry.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Bootz in Living Color - Pink Saturday
This is my first ever entry for Pink Saturday on my art blog! Here is Bootz the Cat in all her glory. The scanner doesn't do justice to the original drawing. The slight purple shading in the gray of her fur came out a LOT darker than it actually is--and the fine gray fur lines didn't hardly show at all. So you'll have to use your imagination.
Happy Pink Saturday to all. For more wonderful things in pink, visit Beverly at How Sweet The Sound!
Bootz the Cat,
colored pencil,
kitty cat,
morning glories,
morning glory,
Pink Saturday,
purple flowers,
rag doll
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Red Peppers - Guest Heart Thursday
This is my rendition of a photo taken by a dear friend of mine when she was abroad. I loved the color and feel of the picture so much I had to draw it. Yes, there are a few hearts hidden in this drawing--can you find them?
For more heart art, photography and altogether fabulous heart stuff from around the world, visit Clytie at Random Hearts for Guest Heart Thursday.
For more heart art, photography and altogether fabulous heart stuff from around the world, visit Clytie at Random Hearts for Guest Heart Thursday.
colored pencil,
Guest Heart Thursday,
red peppers
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
FATuesday Artist Spotlight - #26
I created Featured Art Tuesday (FAT Tuesday) Artist Spotlight, to showcase inspiring Artists and to provide a forum for all Artists to share their work with one another--this includes every type of medium, photography and crafts, including writing and poetry.
For details on how to join FT Artist Spotlight see the bottom of the page.
For details on how to join FT Artist Spotlight see the bottom of the page.
I hope you will join in the fun!
I first became acquainted with Dani through my sister Clytie. They are enough alike to be twins--and THAT is a compliment. Just like my darling sis, Dani finds hearts and they find her. Dani is a talented photographer. She has that rare gift of seeing. I count it an honor to be known as one of Dani's friends. She inspires me to see.
Dani writes, "Well, it's Clytie's "fault." She's a wonderful heart hunter and my dear blogger friend. It was her and her blogs that inspired me to see hearts around. I'm so thankful and lucky to have her as a friend....As she says these hearts find me, so I felt like giving them a home. A lovely one."
To see more of Dani's ongoing photo journal from her time as a student in China visit Snow Flowers. To see more of her charming hearts, visit A Lovely Home for Hearts.
To see more of Dani's ongoing photo journal from her time as a student in China visit Snow Flowers. To see more of her charming hearts, visit A Lovely Home for Hearts.
I was mesmerized by the incredible detail of Ariel's amazing artwork. Every piece she creates is exquisite--her art fills my eyes. I could look at Ariel's art for hours. She inspires me to greater heights with the way she combines art mediums and various artistic stylings. There is something so delightful about her artwork--I can hardly put it into words. One can sense Ariel's great passion for art in her fabulous work.
Ariel writes, "I am a Brazilian artist living in US for 4 years. I've been doing a lot of artistic stuff throughout my life and I cannot imagine myself following a different path... Art is my oxygen, my addiction. Currently I've been dedicating my time uniquely to painting and drawing, using mostly watercolors on board and exploring the combination figurative/abstract art to express metaphysical ideas and myths."
To see more of Ariel's extraordinary artwork, visit Mesmerized by the Sirens.
I have been a follower of Ryan McGinnis for a few years. Those who know me best, know I love clouds--this photographer takes the most eye-filling, inspiring, amazing, breathtaking photos I've ever seen. He has been involved with Storm chasers' Project Vortex 2, which is a two-year National Science Foundation and NOAA funded science mission to study tornadoes and supercell thunderstorms. Some of Some of this inspiring photographer's photos will be included with the official press pack for the IMAX film "Tornado Alley".
Of the above photo, Ryan writes, "This is a shot of a high-based supercell that, against all odds, kept trying to work its way down to the ground in central Kansas...we all stood in a field, watching nothing become something. By sunset, this was a magnificently beautiful storm."
To see more of Ryan McGinnis' incredible photography, visit The Big Storm Picture. Happily, you can also purchase his amazing storm pictures on canvas and other formats at The Big Storm Picture. The cool thing is, just recently Ryan has reduced the prices of his pieces--I know I'll be visiting soon!
Robert Sloan is new to me, but I am a big fan. He is a master of pastels--an incredibly hard medium to manage. His artwork is beautifully detailed--yet soft. I am so inspired by this incredible artist. I'm actually considering trying pastels one more time! I especially enjoy the personality Robert puts into each of his pieces. This saber tooth tiger has a brave and kindly face.
Of the above drawing Robert writes, "Musky" leading male character from my novel "Sabertooth." ...Musky is a sweet cat with unusually high social instincts, a bad dude who's a loving dad, attentive and sensitive mate and staunch buddy to his partner pride-male Clever." I want to know more, don't you?
To see more of Robert's wonderful pastel artwork visit Explore Pastels With Robert Sloan. He can also be found on Facebook at Robert Sloan Art.
I have known Dani Ambrose since she was a teen. My husband and I live in her old home (my dream house). I remember one of the first things I saw when I visited here for the first time, was a piece of Dani's artwork hanging on the wall behind the dining room table. This wonderful young woman is such an inspiration to me. She dabbles in about every kind of art medium with astounding results. But there is another reason I love her work so much--her heart shines through her artwork.
Dani writes of the piece above, "...This piece happens to be one of my favorites so far. It reminds me of a window at night. I have a love hate relationship with windows, I think windows are some of the most beautiful things but they make me feel really insecure and can be a bit scary, especially at night."
To see more of Dani's fascinating artwork visit Artistic Expressions.
If you'd like to take part in FAT Tuesday Artist Spotlight:
*Blog the art you'd like to share.
* Don't forget to leave a link to your art here on Linky tools.
* Visit other artists who have left their links.
* Leave a comment when you visit each artist's page.
(We artists need to encourage each other!)
* Put a link to FAT Tuesday in your blog entry.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
This graphite drawing was inspired by a photograph of a sculpture found in a graveyard. I was so touched by her face and body language. The grace and beauty of this statue filled my eyes. I felt something unspoken from the hand of the artist who originally carved this beautiful woman--I hope I was able to catch that mystery.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Lost Painting of Northwest Historical Artist Found
When my sweet Sis Clytie called to say she had found an original painting by our Great Aunt Martina, I was in awe. The above painting by noted Northwest artist Martina Gangle Curl was found in a box of our Grandmother's papers--which would have been destroyed that very day. Grammie was Martina's younger sister.
Great Aunt Martina was an amazing lady. In 1931, after years of following the harvest picking crops with her family, working as an art teacher and then managing a boarding house, she enrolled at the Portland Art Museum School in Portland, Oregon. There she studied under legendary painter and art instructor Harry Wentz. This lost painting has the date 1932 inscribed on the back, around the time Aunt Martina was exhibiting artwork at the Portland museum between 1932 and 1933.
You can see Aunt Martina's distinctive artistic style in the piece above, entitled Prune Picker. Fascinated by migrant labor families and shipyard workers, she had a special love for the common man.
It has been said Aunt Martina's attention to women and children conveyed a desire to “mother” humanity. This is illustrated by one of my all-time favorites--the painting above entitled Clinic which was rediscovered at the Oregon State Hospital in the late 1990's.
It has been said Aunt Martina's attention to women and children conveyed a desire to “mother” humanity. This is illustrated by one of my all-time favorites--the painting above entitled Clinic which was rediscovered at the Oregon State Hospital in the late 1990's.
Through her artwork, Aunt Martina succeeded in dramatizing the beauty and aesthetic diversity to be found in the everyday settings of people living throughout the Pacific Northwest in those hard years.
I wish I would have known she was an artist--I would love to have talked with her about her life and how she saw the world--about what it was like growing up in those times. She was not only a gifted artist, but was a wonderful person who deeply loved her family.
I wish I could tell her how proud I am to be her great niece and how much I treasure those moments when she would lean over my drawings with a smile and an encouraging word.
You can find restrikes of fourteen works of art by Aunt Martina for sale, at The Pathways Collection. To read more about Martina Gangle Curl's fascinating life, visit The Oregon Encyclopedia and the Oregon Cultural Heritage Commission.
Found Art,
lost art,
Martina Gangle Curl,
Prune Picker,
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Puss N' Bootz - Guest Heart Thursday
Here is our darling Bootz. We do miss her very much--I couldn't resist drawing her wearing actual Boots. Of course, there are hidden hearts everywhere--can you find them? I wonder how many hearts there are--I didn't count 'em! lol
I never thought we'd find another cat with such personality, vim and vigor, but we have--and perhaps Bootz sent him our way.
Here he is, Snoopy Sunshine--or Snooperz for short. We called him Snoopy because he snoops into everything. Though counter tops and tables are off limits! lol Anything we do seems to fascinate him.
Our boy is six months old and most likely a Main Coon. For six months old he is a BIG boy already! We brought him to our home Saturday--and already it seems as though he has been a part of our little family for months. I'm sure I'll be blogging about his antics for years to come.
For more heart art, photography and altogether fabulous heart stuff from around the world, visit Clytie at Random Hearts for Guest Heart Thursday.
I never thought we'd find another cat with such personality, vim and vigor, but we have--and perhaps Bootz sent him our way.
Here he is, Snoopy Sunshine--or Snooperz for short. We called him Snoopy because he snoops into everything. Though counter tops and tables are off limits! lol Anything we do seems to fascinate him.
Our boy is six months old and most likely a Main Coon. For six months old he is a BIG boy already! We brought him to our home Saturday--and already it seems as though he has been a part of our little family for months. I'm sure I'll be blogging about his antics for years to come.
For more heart art, photography and altogether fabulous heart stuff from around the world, visit Clytie at Random Hearts for Guest Heart Thursday.
Bootz the Cat,
Guest Heart Thursday,
pen and ink,
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
FAT Tuesday Artist Spotlight #25
I created Featured Art Tuesday (FAT Tuesday) Artist Spotlight, to showcase inspiring Artists and to provide a forum for all Artists to share their work with one another--this includes every type of medium, photography and crafts, including writing and poetry.
For details on how to join FAT Tuesday Artist Spotlight see the bottom of the page.
For details on how to join FAT Tuesday Artist Spotlight see the bottom of the page.
I hope you will join in the fun!
I have been a fan of Van Heist for years. His drawings are creative and inspiring--his gifting is almost miraculous. But this young artist is not only tremendously talented, he is a thoughtful, courageous person, who's insights bear perusal. It is my privilege to introduce you to his inspiring artwork.
Of his work as an artist and cartoonist, VanHeist writes, "It's fun work, though any job has its frustrations, and comics often come saddled with the immediate frustration of knowing it's an uphill battle towards sustaining yourself through the long hours of work, both mentally and monetarily."
To see more of VanHeist's wonderful artwork, visit VanHeist.
I have only recently become acquainted with Ruthie Redden's whimsical artwork. The graceful detail she puts into her drawings amazes my eyes. When I see her work, I am inspired. She is not only a gifted artist, but is a tremendous photographer.
Ruthie writes, "As a pictorial story teller, I spend my time striving to create work that makes my heart sing. My hope is that the viewer may experience even a little of the pleasure from my work as i felt when creating it." Indeed, to see her artwork is to feel a song.
Happily, Ruthie sells her artwork at her Etsy Shop, Mythweaver. You can see her intricate art at Ruthie Reddon Artworks and view her wonderful photography at Precious Things.
I first met Dave Dube through Postcard Friendship Friday and photographer Abraham Lincoln. Dave gathers old paperwork of every kind, then uses the paper to draw the most amazing pieces. What a creative artist! The spectacular drawing above is a recent entry in the Western Heritage Art Show. This dear artist is not just only incredible artist, he is a genuinely lovely person. You will love getting to know him and his work.
Dave writes, "I'm a sixty-two year old artist with a taste for history and the printed word. I've been putting my art on envelopes for well over fifty years, and still continue to do that either on a whim or of necessity. I consider Thank You cards a necessity!"
To see more of Dave's inspiring work, visit Old Paper Art.
Only a few days ago, my talented friend Tammie Lee introduced me to Kathy Hare's wonderful illustrations. The piece above, entitled "Island" deeply touched my heart and filled my eyes. This fills my heart, too.
Of this piece, Kathy writes, "My Island Print for sale on Etsy all proceeds to the British Red Cross to help the victims of the Japanese Earthquake and Tsunami." I find this piece very moving--my eyes fill with tears every time I look at it.
To see more of this precious artist's work, visit Moon Gazing Hare. You can find this beautiful island piece along with others for sale on Etsy at Kathy Hare's shop.
I met Skylar McCready through some artist friends on Facebook. What a wonderful artist she is--she fills her world with wit, whimsey and color. She has an almost magical command of color and space. When I see her work, I am instantly drawn to it. What a fanciful artist she is!
Of herself, Skylar says, "I'm a "fabulous" nurse. Ask ANY of my residents! Enjoying being single... (until Mr. Right comes along that is). I love cats and use my beloved Hyacinth as muse for many of my paintings. :D"
Happily Skylar's artwork is available not only to peruse, but to purchase, on her webpage, Art by SkyM.
If you'd like to take part in FAT Tuesday Artist Spotlight:
*Blog the art you'd like to share.
* Don't forget to leave a link to your art here on Linky tools.
* Visit other artists who have left their links.
* Leave a comment when you visit each artist's page.
(We artists need to encourage each other!)
* Put a link to FAT Tuesday in your blog entry.
Artist spotlight,
FAT Tuesday,
Featured Artists
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
FAT Tuesday Artist Spotlight #24
I created Featured Art Tuesday (FAT Tuesday) Artist Spotlight, to showcase inspiring Artists and to provide a forum for all Artists to share their work with one another--this includes every type of medium, photography and crafts, including writing and poetry.
For details on how to join FAT Tuesday Artist Spotlight see the bottom of the page.
For details on how to join FAT Tuesday Artist Spotlight see the bottom of the page.
I hope you will join in the fun!
I have been a big fan of Darlene Pringle for some time now. Her paintings are incredibly lovely and her work with clay makes me smile. Darlene is a sunny person who's outlook is reflected in everything she creates. This multi-talented artist has touched my heart on more than one occasion. She is a good friend.
Darlene writes, "I am a self taught mixed media artist playing with acrylics, clay, dolls, I feel mixed media free's me to enjoy the creative process. I enjoy music, piano, traveling, theatre, antiques, floral gardening. I am a writer/Contributor for Christian Spotlight.net, an International Movie Review site."
To see more of Darlene's precious artwork, visit A Dancing Mango. Happily, she sells her work too--you can peruse these wonderful pieces on Etsy at A Dancing Mango.
Joanna is another of my favorite artists. I have been a follower of this wonderful artist from Germany for years. It is my privilege to introduce her art to you! She is a gifted illustrator who's imagination knows no bounds. Her artwork fills my eyes.
One of these days I will purchase a piece of her artwork. She writes, "I am currently working on some Easter designs for this year, including ACEO's that will be put up at eBay in time for Easter. Also planning on selling a few limited edition ACEO prints at my Etsy shop soon, so keep an eye open! Just have to choose which one to start putting up first. I'm open for suggestions."
Isn't this box just the cutest thing? Carolee has a wonderfully unique style. Her artwork is always beautifully engaging. She is a dear lady, who's remarkable sense of humor makes the world a better place.
Carolee writes, "...what a blessing it is to connect with like minded individuals all over the world. For those of us who work at home, and spend most of our days in solitude, that connection can be like finding water in the desert - and never more than when we're facing challenges or feeling a bit disconnected."
Jillian Crider is new to me. I found this Australian born artist, through some artists I know from facebook. What an inspiration Jillian is! I love the way she uses color and light in her lovely watercolor paintings. I am inspired by the emotion she infuses into her artwork--how she accomplishes this is a mystery to me. The piece pictured above is an ACEO--that means it is tiny--only 2.5x3.5 inches!
She writes, "...I don't know re painting small. I paint big, too. In a way I don't find it different. I also paint way smaller. These (more recent pieces) were done with no magnification, no masking. ACEOs are good that way - just paint, no extras needed. I guess I have a steady hand..."
To see more of Jillian's fabulous artwork, visit Art of Jillian Crider.
I met Deann through my sister Clytie. It is hard to believe how time has flown, but we've known one another for over a year now! I have watched Deann's digital artwork blossom. She is a true master at her craft--I know what it takes to be able to do what she does with digital art. She is inspiring, warm and one of the kindest individuals I have had the pleasure of knowing. She is my adopted sister. I love her and you will too.
Deann writes of her artwork above, "What is more illusive then your reflection in a mirror...does anyone really know what they look like. The longer you stare at your own image in a mirror the more distorted and unreal it becomes...a combination of reflected light and self image or self loathing as the case may be...a 3D subject projected on a two dimensional surface. Your own face in a looking glass the ultimate illusion." What a wise girl she is!
To see more of Deann's marvelous and sometimes crazy artwork, visit The Whimsey Asylum.
If you'd like to take part in FAT Tuesday Artist Spotlight:
*Blog the art you'd like to share.
* Don't forget to leave a link to your art here on Linky tools.
* Visit other artists who have left their links.
* Leave a comment when you visit each artist's page.
(We artists need to encourage each other!)
* Put a link to FAT Tuesday in your blog entry.
Artist spotlight,
FAT Tuesday,
guest artists
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Cleopatra and Mark Antony - Guest Heart Thursday
One of the greatest love stories of all time, is that of Mark Antony and Cleopatra. This drawing was inspired by a wonderful photo of my nephew and his dearest love. I thought this drawing perfect for Guest Heart Thursday! Of course, there are hidden hearts everywhere--how many can YOU find?
For more heart art, photography and altogether fabulous heart stuff from around the world, visit Clytie at Random Hearts for Guest Heart Thursday.
For more heart art, photography and altogether fabulous heart stuff from around the world, visit Clytie at Random Hearts for Guest Heart Thursday.
Guest Heart Thursday,
love story,
Mark Antony,
pen and ink,
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
FAT Tuesday Artist Spotlight #23
I created Featured Art Tuesday (FAT Tuesday) Artist Spotlight, to showcase inspiring Artists and to provide a forum for all Artists to share their work with one another--this includes every type of medium, photography and crafts, including writing and poetry.
I hope you will join in the fun!
I hope you will join in the fun!
The artist who created this exquisite piece is known as "White." She lives in Germany and is new to me. I was so struck by the beauty and realistic feel of her work. There's something whimsical, yet tremendously powerful about her drawings which touches me deeply.
I usually do not feature more than one piece of artwork by a featured artist--today is one of those rare occasions I decided to do things differently.
This wonderful artist has had a recent set back. Her computer is on the fritz and she's saving money to either fix it, or to buy a new one. She's also suffered a bad injury to her arm, which makes it difficult for her to draw at times. I could not imagine not being able to draw!!! Please visit this dear lady to encourage her! Her work is spectacular and leaves me in awe. I am so inspired by her drawings!
Happily, White's incredible artwork is for sale, she even does commissions! You can find this artist's inspiring work at White Spirit Wolf Photography and at her DA account, White Spirit Wolf.
I have featured Peggy Gatto's beautiful artwork before. This morning I was so taken by this wonderful painting of her back yard! Isn't this lovely?
Peggy writes, "Art has become for me "therapy". I can celebrate happy occasions or work through sad or difficult times by creating art. I love creating special art for others. I often use old family pictures in my pieces and feel good about giving them birth again. I love to laugh,am very sentimental, and cry more happy tears than sad ones. Loyalty, honesty, and sharing good things with others is important to me. I enjoy seeing all the new art of artists friends and am learning something new every day! Laughing makes better wrinkles on your face!"
To see more of this eclectic artist's wonderfully creative pieces, visit Peggy’s Mixed Up Art.
I came across Mayya's photography blog totally by accident. I was so taken by the beautifully composed photos I found there. I know you will be too--I especially loved the soft look of this cactus.
She writes, "My name is Mayya and I've been interested in photography since I was 10 years old! Now, 12 years later I've finally gotten myself a DSLR and am learning anything I can about digital photography!"
To see more of this unusual photographer, visit Mayya Medved Photography.
Up until recently, I'd never heard of Needle Felting. I still am not sure how Katey created these utterly darling lambs. They are SO CUTE! She is also a painter--her artwork is SO inspiring. There is something truly unique and special about her artwork!
Katey writes, "…'art' is part of me... I am rooted in a family of craftsmen & carpenters. I grew up watching cars getting fixed, home improvement projects, and where every manner of project always seemed to be in queue. "Creating" is like breathing. The short of it is that I was encouraged by those around me - other people noticed "something" about me long before I ever did. I just did it. I am convinced that all we do in life is an act of worship. How we worship and Whom is the heart of the matter."
You can find more pictures of these darling little sheep on Katey's facebook account, Blue Eyed Duck Studies and even more of her creative artwork on her blog at Blue Eyed Duck Studios.
I have been a big fan of Tammie Lee for quite some time now. Her photography has a quality about it I can hardly put into words. Her poetry is exquisite, as are her pictures. She is an accomplished artist with a special style which fills my eyes. Tammie is also one of the loveliest persons I've had the pleasure of getting to know. You will love her, too.
Tammie writes, "Capturing the beauty of our natural world with photography is a great passion for me, as well as my business; Spirithelpers... It is my attempt to capture a spirit that uplifts and ignites the majesty in our hearts."
You can find Tammie Lee's wonderful photography at Spirit Helpers and her thoughtful artwork at Beauty Flows. She also sells her lovely artworks and photography at her webstore, Spirithelpers.
If you'd like to take part in FAT Tuesday Artist Spotlight:
*Upload what you want to share with other artists, onto your blog.
* Don't forget to leave a link to your art on Linky tools.
* Be sure to visit other artists who have left their link.
* Leave a comment when you visit each artist's page.
(We artists need to encourage each other!)
* Be sure to leave a link to FAT Tuesday on your blog page.
FAT Tuesday,
Featured Artists,
guest artists
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