When I saw this mask in the sky I did a double take! At first it seemed a little scary. But as I looked closer, I observed her eyes seemed friendly--shy even. Perhaps that is why she wore the Mask.
Above you see the Mask as I first viewed it in the sky.
A disguised observer... Watching vigilantly... A masquerade of sorts... And she almost made it save for your inquisitive eye... Wonderful capture... and as always, inspired art. Blessings to you and yours. Love and Light, Nina P
A midget who told me, when I was depressed about people making fun of me because we had no money and no new clothes and I was wearing everything second handed. He told me, "You are the only one in the world, make the most of it."
-- Abe Lincoln, Artist, photographer (Ohio)
When I see something unexpected, unusual, or beautiful, my focus suddenly sharpens and intensifies. The sensation tickles! That's when I say something "fills my eyes." It is the greatest compliment I can give.
My Camera and Me
I carry my camera everywhere I go. Here you see one of my Cloud Paintings. I find unusual shapes, faces, animals in just about everything, especially clouds. Often I am able to enhance or "paint" my photos so others can see what my imagination has revealed.
What an honor to be a featured artist for this wonderful webpage!
A Fairytale Mind
This is a link to my favorite book reviewer. Rena Lanyon gives a well-written review from a youthful perspective.
When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I have not a single bit of talent left, and could say, "I used everything you gave me Lord." -- Darlene Pringle, Artist
"Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass....it's about learning how to dance in the rain."
You sure didn't have to do much to this picture! That's amazing.
Beth this is more than amazing! I was creeped! Very Very Gorgeous! I have never seen such!
Mabuhay from The Philippines!
I like her. I think you're right, she's just shy.
Wow, that one is amazing. Surreal and spooky. I suppose we can anthropomorphise clouds in the same way we do animals.
Do you ever get a stiff neck from forever looking up?
Thanks, it's brilliant.
A disguised observer... Watching vigilantly... A masquerade of sorts... And she almost made it save for your inquisitive eye... Wonderful capture... and as always, inspired art. Blessings to you and yours. Love and Light, Nina P
Thank you for your visit...This picture is amazing...The sky show's its true face...
I think there is a very special sky that resides over your house.....
What a great discovery! I love looking UP!! :)
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