This Cloud Painting was done in 2008--one of my first. This little faery looks quite comfortable. I am sure that cloud upon which she is perching could be a gorgon, or a dragon--what do you think?
Above you see the little faery as I first captured her with my camera.
Beth I don't see the dragon, but at the bottom in the middle I do see a fairy "helper" lifting another fairy up thru the open tunnel to the top.... She is standing and holding a scroll. I also see a fairy in the tunnel. I think they're getting ready to have a cloud party and we're all invited! :)
Oh she is so lovely sitting atop her perch. Watching life float by. Thank you for always making me smile wherever I visit. Blessings to you and yours. Love and Light,Nina P
A midget who told me, when I was depressed about people making fun of me because we had no money and no new clothes and I was wearing everything second handed. He told me, "You are the only one in the world, make the most of it."
-- Abe Lincoln, Artist, photographer (Ohio)
When I see something unexpected, unusual, or beautiful, my focus suddenly sharpens and intensifies. The sensation tickles! That's when I say something "fills my eyes." It is the greatest compliment I can give.
My Camera and Me
I carry my camera everywhere I go. Here you see one of my Cloud Paintings. I find unusual shapes, faces, animals in just about everything, especially clouds. Often I am able to enhance or "paint" my photos so others can see what my imagination has revealed.
What an honor to be a featured artist for this wonderful webpage!
A Fairytale Mind
This is a link to my favorite book reviewer. Rena Lanyon gives a well-written review from a youthful perspective.
When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I have not a single bit of talent left, and could say, "I used everything you gave me Lord." -- Darlene Pringle, Artist
"Life is not about waiting for the storms to's about learning how to dance in the rain."
Definitely a dragon!
Oh yeah! It's a dragon alright!
Beth I don't see the dragon, but at the bottom in the middle I do see a fairy "helper" lifting another fairy up thru the open tunnel to the top.... She is standing and holding a scroll. I also see a fairy in the tunnel. I think they're getting ready to have a cloud party and we're all invited! :)
Maybe a dragon or a big shaggy bear.
Oh she is so lovely sitting atop her perch. Watching life float by. Thank you for always making me smile wherever I visit. Blessings to you and yours. Love and Light,Nina P
MArvelous, Beth~! I just read your comment at my Books and Brunch blog for the community college I work for. thanks a lot! :)
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