Second of all--here is my most recent cloud painting. I was so inspired by the spirited challenge from Painted Garden, that I finished this cloud painting lickitysplit, and since it's been done, I've been chomping at the bit, to post it! Here you see the cloud which portrays My Bliss. If you look closely, there is a faery hidden nearby. You may have to click on the drawing to see....

Absolutely stunning! Happy Mothers Day, sissie!
Beth your bliss has rubbed off on me, never have I enjoyed staring at clouds in search of the unexpected more, then since I met you. Thank you for taking up the gauntlet my friend.
She is beautiful, Beth! Thank you for sharing your heart, and your bliss.
Oh my Goodness Beth what a treasure! I really love this.
Oh Beth! I think the skies bless you with these cloud scenes. That you got the first picture is reason enough for celebration, but your cloud painting is more than special. I have no idea how you do this, but it is enchanting and extremely uplifting. "My Bliss" deserves a wide audience. I love it.
There's beauty around as you can see...
You share your gifts with the world and me...
People are touched as you show your heart...
It’s in your soul to see God's art...
You look around and you look above...
And see God's angles filled with Love...
Thank you Beth for your artful sight...
May you always look up and see the Light...
Nina P.
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