Friday, December 26, 2014

Sky Dreamer -Paint Party Friday

This dreamer in the sky was made especially for a young friend of mine named Emily. She has a bit of the dreamer in her eyes.

Above you see the sky dreamer as I first caught her floating along the cloud's edges.

Thank you so much for dropping by!  Have a lovely weekend, sweet Friends!  Happy Paint Party Friday!

Friday, December 19, 2014

The Lady and the Lambs -Paint Party Friday

This is a graphite rendering from 2005, of an old picture my Mother loved. It was a gift from long ago--the person who gave it to Mums said she looked just like this beautiful woman. It is true! Indeed, in her younger years, Mumsie was beautiful--but not in the classical sense. She is still lovely--a stately yet mischievous and fun lady whom everyone loves.

Years ago, when color programs were first coming out, I scanned my sketch into the computer, then played with the paint programs. I was astonished to see so much color coming from a grey and white graphite drawing--I saved the results. But after that, any attempts to recreate these color patterns failed. I wonder . . .
May the joy and beauty of Christmas permeate your lives--even through great tragedy and loss.  God is good. 


Thank you so much for dropping by!  Have a lovely weekend, sweet Friends!  Happy Paint Party Friday!

Friday, December 12, 2014

Lion Slide -Paint Party Friday

I realized I haven't put up a cloud painting in some time--so here's one I painted in 2011.  I took the original picture out over the back fence.  I thought, at first it was a sliding dog with large flapping ears.  But as I worked on the picture--a lion began to form.  I laughed at the expression on his face--he's having SO much fun sliding down that cloud bank!

Above you see this frisky feline as I first saw him in the clouds.

Thank you so much for dropping by!  Have a lovely weekend, sweet Friends!  Happy Paint Party Friday!

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Cats! -Paint Party Friday

You are probably wondering about this took HOURS to get all that fur drawn to my satisfaction! Elvis, our fat Main Coon, now in heaven, posed for this picture along with one of my daughters. What fun to be a cat? I think I would like that.

Thank you so much for dropping by!  Have a lovely weekend, sweet Friends!  Happy Paint Party Friday!