Friday, January 14, 2011

Love at First Sight - Guest Heart Thursday

No hidden hearts today!  They are in plain sight.  As you can see, these two are in love.  This ACEO was inspired by Bootz the Cat.   In real life, as I type these words, Bootz is lounging across the corner of my desk, her head resting on the phone book like a pillow.  Bootz is a Ragdoll.  She isn't even full grown, yet sports a 14-inch tail.  Her body is 16-inches long.  Add those together, with her considerable muscle and girth--she's quite a girl!

Bootz the Cat fills our life and home with laughter.  How grateful we are for this loving little, er humongous roommate!

For more heart art, photography and altogether fabulous heart stuff from around the world, visit Clytie at Random Hearts for Guest Heart Thursday.


Lois said...

I love the expression on her face and the little bird is adorable!

Dorincard said...

Hi, Berth! :)

Birdie, this Bootz won't walk all over you!

Clytie said...

What a delightful pair they are - definitely love! I love hearing what Bootz is up to - what a character!

Terry said...

Howdy Beth
Bootz and the cute birdie with hearts must make it hard not to watch bootz more and work less.
What a wonderful personality .
Until next time
Happy Trails

Inger-M said...

So cute!

Tammie Lee said...

ah, in love, how sweet, both the art and their love!

tera said...

Aw! This is just precious! I love the look on your kitty's face. :)

Dani said...

really sweet.