Tuesday, August 31, 2010

FAT Tuesday - #1

Today is FAT Tuesday!  This is the VERY FIRST Featured Artist Tuesday ever!  I've started this special day to honor all the wonderful artists who have been an inspiration to me.  Each Tuesday I will be featuring five of these delightfully unique individuals.  I am sure you will enjoy their work as much as I do!

I also want to provide a forum for artists to share their work with one another--this includes all types of arts and crafts, including photography.  If you would like to take part in FAT Tuesday, check out the guidelines at the bottom of the page.

My sister Clytie is one of the most creative people I know.  She's never considered herself an artist but I've always known  better.  This is one of her amazing ACEO cards.

The card is made of graffiti peeled from the walls of an abandoned building.  She spray painted a real spiderweb, captured it on the card, then added a spider, cut from more graffiti.  These are one of a kind cards--each is exquisitely made from GENUINE graffiti, trash, recycled wallpaper and found treasures.  To see more of Clytie's altogether cool artwork, visit  Random He'Art'Work.

Deann is a wonderful artist who's work with photoshop baffles my mind.  This is just a sample of her amazing artwork!  Deann is one of my favorite people--her lovely whimsical nature shines through this wonderful piece entitled Dragonfly Dreams.  You can see more of Deann's artist's heart at The Whimsey Asylum.

Megan Coyle's work is fascinating.  To create these incredible works of art, she cuts tiny pieces of color from magazines and newspapers--then puts them together to create wonderful pieces such as the Crane.  This piece is currently hanging in the Goodwin exhibit.  To see more of her unique artwork visit Megan at Megan Coyle - Collage Artist.

Tera is another artist who's work just delights my heart.  Her work is often done on the computer and her desire is to make the world a shiny, pretty, happy place.  Her blog with its whimsical artwork does indeed brighten the corner where we all live!  To see more of these uplifting pieces, visit Tera at Olive Hue Designs.

I first became acquainted with Tammie's unique style through her photography.  She is not only a wonderful photographer and poet, she is a gifted artist.  She sees the world in a way which echoes my own heart.  This piece is called Present and Longing. To see more of Tammie's beautiful artwork visit her at Beauty Flows.

Here is a list of guidelines for those taking part in FAT Tuesday!

* Upload the art you want to share onto your blog.
*  Don't forget to leave a link to your art on Linky tools.
*  Be sure to visit other artists who have left their link.
*  Leave a comment when you visit each artist's blog 
(We artists need to encourage each other!)
*  Be sure to put a link to FAT Tuesday on your blog page.
(You can copy the button below to do this if you'd like.)

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.


Tammie Lee said...

Hello Beth,

I had no idea you did this, such fun.
In your rules, is that for people who feature other artists on their blogs?

It is wonderful to see artists that you enjoy! I will visit each one.

I feel honored that you included me! Really fun to see the piece i finished yesterday on your blog!

sweet hug to your dear lady~

Deann said...

Hey Sissy Bea,
Thanks for featuring me along with the super artists on your new FAT Tuesday art show. I look forward to seeing all this great new creativity. Speaking of cool art I love the cat insignia you made for it. Love you

tera said...

How fun! What a great way to find new artists. :)
Thanks for including my pepper - (Secret Agent Man said it's his favorite!)



Clytie said...

Ah sissie, thank you so much for including my Graffiti He'Art' in your FAT Tuesday! I am so honored!

What a wonderful idea to introduce artists to each other! I can't wait to visit each of your featured artists, and those who link later!

What fun this is!!!

Megan Coyle said...

Thanks for the feature, Beth :)

Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing more of your imaginative work!

Alan Burnett said...

You display some wonderful art. I don't think I can match any of it, but I will enjoy following the links. FAT Tuesday is a fine idea.

Looking to the Stars said...

What a wonderful idea! You are so brillant!!! I enjoyed every one of these and how the artist does it!

p.s. the mars thing was a hoax just like you said, phooey on people who make things up like that. have a good one :)

PurpleHeart said...

It's fascinating to see art in any form. And when hand created by genuine artists like your sister, it gets even better ! Bless the hearts of those who still have a beautiful art to their side !