Said she, "The challenge ist "dual-ly" accepted. At thine bequest the gauntlet is flung back to thou. I shalt search for a likeness. Thou shalt search for a heart. The laurel of Supreme Wenchdom is at stake. Thine everloving sis - Clytie"
Here therefore, sweet sis, are some of the hearts for which I sought!

So now thusly I join my sister Clytie, to challenge the rest of you to a dual--to find a face or heart in something unexpected--for a GRAND contest!
The first prize winner of this goodly challenge, wilst receive as their own, a matted, signed, numbered piece of art from Beth Niquette Fine Art. The Second prize winner will receive a matted, signed numbered photo from Clytie of Random Hearts.
The best entries will be posted on our new blog site which will be up and running in a couple of days.
This fine contest ends on April Fool's Day!
The gauntlet has been flung--Now forsooth! Who will take up the challenge?
Be still my heart!!! Oh sissie, you are truly the supreme heart seeker! I am totally amazed! Wow! I love them all! You have earned the laurels of "Supreme Wenchdom" and beyond ... I bow down to your random wenchedness!
Amen sister, Thou art indeed the supreme seeker of the symbol of love, And thou art the superior sister of "Supreme Wenchdom" and beyond, this week......but alas tomorrow is another day so we had best not catch thee resting on thy laurels.
And now being bested in hearts and in faces, I do claim an honorary mention for "Supreme Cheeky Wench of the Week" for crashing thy contest in the first place. I thank thee greatly for the joy. Happy dreams - Deann
Very very interesting , I loved viewing your found hearts - amazing.
this just blew me away, so many different shapes and materials, I especially loved the elk dung heart :) now that is cool and the spider - wow. YOU are truly inspiring .....
Thank you so much for your encouraging comments on my artwork! It was so sweet of you :o)
This series of heart prints is amazing. Your work is beautiful! Best wishes with your contest.
I love your pictures captured,you; they all tell a different story.
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