Friday, April 3, 2015

Something More -Paint Party Friday

I lost my sweet younger brother to cancer in early 2002.  We were only a little under fourteen months apart in age.  I have always expressed my feelings through my art--in my grief I began to paint Dow's hands.  As I did so--the picture became something more.

This painting, though from a long time ago, seemed perfect for Easter weekend--a time when many of us celebrate God's gift of hope.  Indeed, I know will see my Beloved husband, my little Brother and my Daddy again someday.  

Happy Paint Party Friday, all you lovely artists and beautiful people. May God bless you, dear ones, with His joy and peace.  Thank you for dropping by.


Lisabella Russo said...

How very wonderful and beautiful!

Valerie-Jael said...

Hugs, Valeriepainting, Beth.

GlorV1 said...

Love the hands. Your soul is on that canvas. Happy Easter.

Giggles said...

Sorry for all your loss Beth...I know much grief myself... this is a gorgeous painting and lovely tribute to those loved ones!! Nice to see you featured this week!

Hugs Giggles

කඳු said...

Have a nice time Beth!!

Faye said...

So very beautiful and so perfect for Easter. I love the way the hands form a heart.