Friday, September 25, 2015

Grandma's Christmas Story -Paint Party Friday

I have been commissioned to produce a self-published children's book for a friend of mine.  The title is Christmas With Grandma.  I have completed the drawings in graphite and took them to my friend for her perusal last Monday.  She LOVED it!  Next I will do the lineart, and the last step will be to add full color.

I have had SO much fun with this project.  This is my favorite drawing so far.  The book is ten pages long, along with a front cover, dedication and title pages. 

Above you see my lovely model, Lorie, who commissioned the project.  I LOVE her face.  I did a photoshoot for reference photos--as you can see the camera loves her!  I admit though, it was quite a challenge to make the dolls into little girls--but I think I have succeeded.  

Happy Paint Party Friday, all you wonderful artists and beautiful people. God bless you, dear ones.  Have a lovely weekend and thank you for dropping by.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Maiden Walking -Paint Party Friday

Last Fall, whilst visiting my brother and his family, I drew this picture of my niece, Flora.  She is a lovely girl, imaginative and a lover of the forest and all things fairytale.  This is what I imagine she will look like once she is all grown up. 

Happy Paint Party Friday, all you wonderful artists and beautiful people. God bless you, dear ones.  Have a lovely weekend and thank you for dropping by.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Water Girl -Paint Party Friday

I completed this drawing May, 2014.  There is so much joy and hope expressed here.  Today is so lovely--complete with sunshine and crispy Fall shadows, I've posted the Water Girl because she seems to express my feelings this morning.  

As I am typing this there is a darling little kitten snoozing away on my lap.  He is a happy note!  Though since my Beloved flew away to heaven, there are sad tones in each day--I am beginning to see the tears are like minor keys which often accent the beauty of the day.  It is hard to put this into words.  So perhaps I'll sing a song as I do the tasks of the day--or even more likely, draw some more.  (smile)

Above you see my lovely model Rena.  She is my dear friend and a great blessing to me.  

Happy Paint Party Friday, all you wonderful artists and beautiful people. May God bless you, dear ones.  Have a lovely weekend and thank you for dropping by.